Choman, Erbil
Choman lies North East Erbil city, and 15 km off the Iranian border

Choman town is surrounded by very high altitude mountains ranging (2500-3500 m)

Choman town is located at an altitude of more than 1100 m
Sidakan, Soran, Erbil
Sidakan is a remote town located North East Erbil, is 15 km off Iranian border and 35 km to the Turksih border

Apple orchard in Sidakan
Shanidar, Mergasur, Erbil
The cave site of Shanidar is located at the foothills of the Zagros Mountains in north-eastern Iraq. It was excavated between 1957-1961 by Ralph Solecki and his team from Columbia University and yielded the first adult Neandertal skeletons in Iraq, dating between 60-80,000 years BP (Before Present)

The cave is away 2.17 km from the highway

Shanidar cave grid coordinates 36°50'4.86"N, 44°13'9.06"E (apply to Google-Earth)

Stairs to the cave

Spider web

Nine skeletons of Neanderthals of varying ages and states of preservation and completeness were excavated (labelled Shanidar I - IX)

Me inside the Shanidar cave at the excavation site

In this photograph Kurdish workmen have just begun the excavation of the earthen floor of the cave. Bedrock was reached at a depth of 45 feet. Photo by Dr. Ralph Solecki

Shanidar 1 - The Shanidar Cave site is most famous for two of its skeletons, I and IV. Shanidar I was an elderly Neanderthal male known as Shanidar I, or ‘Nandy’ to its excavators. He was aged between 40-50 years, which was considerably old for a Neanderthal, equivalent to 80 years old today, displaying severe signs of deformity

Ralph Solecki, archaeologist and supervisor of the dig which discovered the Neanderthal remains in Shanidar Cave, pictured here with Dorothy Garrod discussing the Shanidar Cave finds in the Mustansariyah, Baghdad
Dinarta, Akre, Dahuk
Dinarta is 10 km North East Akre

Cattle system in Dinarta