Dukan Lake is the largest lake in Kurdistan Region which lies in northeastern Iraq. The lake is close to the city of Rania in Sulaymaniyah Governorate.

Ashur Hotel, Dukan Lake

Sunset view from Ashur Hotel, July 19, 2005
The big part of Dukan Lake
Shaqlawa, Erbil

Shaqlawa district is 30 km North East of Erbil city

Shaqlawa is well-known with its abundant trees

Shaqlawa venues

Faqeyan village is North West Shaqlawa, Shaqlawa District, Apr 18, 2007
Soran, Erbil

Soran is a mojor town lies 65 km North East Erbil city. Photo is taken from the office of Soran's mayor

Zozik mountain

President Bush and Barzani's photo put in mayor's office

Scarecrows set by the villagers to frighten birds away from seeds
Rawanduz, Soran, Erbil

Rawanduz valley

Rawanduz valley and Korek mountain

Iraqi National Astronomical Observatory placed at the top of Korek mountain was built in the 1980s and was ran by the Space and Astronomy Research Center (SARC) in Jadriyah in Baghdad
Pank resort is a multi-million-dollar leisure complex in Rawanduz
A restaurant at Pank resort
Toboggan at Pank Resort

Rawanduz canyon in spring

Rawanduz canyon in summer
Gully Ali-Bag waterfall

Bekhal resort
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