Dahuk city

Amedi, Dahuk - It is 17 kilometers away from the Turkish border. The history of this city goes back to 3000 years B.C., it has always been a strategic place as it is built on the flat top of a mountain. The altitude of the city is 1200 meters above sea level. It is 1000m long and 500m wide. It houses 6000 citizens in almost 1200 houses. There are ruins from Assyrian era and ruins of a synagogue and a church.

Amedi - Wikipedia photo

Apple orchard, Qadish village, Amedi, Dahuk - Dec 21, 2005
4th Century Church, Qadish village, Amedi, Dahuk - Dec 21, 2005 - Photo by Andra Brooks

Eggs in old beehives, Qadish village

Delal Bridge, also Pirdi Delal (in Kurdish), is an ancient bridge in the town of Zakho 40 km North West Dahuk and 10 km off the Turkish border point
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